Dark and Beautiful

When I hear women of dark skin say that they hate colour on their skin, I get upset as there is this misguided notion that women who are dark skinned shouldn't wear colour because they are dark. That is one of the most cantankerous statements I have ever heard!
Of course you can wear pinks, blues, oranges and greens, but you have to be mindful of the shades being worn.

As the Lead Cosmetic Beauty Advisor at one of Trinidad's leading women's stores, I meet so many women who compliment me on my skin and how flawless my makeup is but yet they end their praises by stating that it looks great on me, and they can never it.
I want dark skin women to properly understand their skin, and learn how to choose cosmetics to put their best face forward. Most importantly I need women of dark complexions to be CONFIDENT whether the makeup is on or off as beauty begins in the mind.

Here is my model Khea with glowing skin and looking gorgeous with colour on her chocolate skin.

For this reason, I am hosting my first makeup workshop, Dark and Beautiful (#DarknBeautiful) on November 29th, 2015 (venue to be announced). With this intense workshop, I will be showing you how to colour correct blemishes and hyper-pigmentation, how to combat oils for makeup application, how to choose foundations,understanding your undertones, apply and blend eye-shadows,the fundamentals of highlighting and contouring on dark skin and so much more.

This workshop is only TT$800.00, registration closes on Wednesday, November 25th. Tentative time is 10am to 3pm.
To register, email me at shaina.cb@gmail.com and further payment details will be forwarded to you and I hope to see you there!
(FAQ will be updated)


What do I need for this class?

Matching face/setting powder
Lip stick
Lip gloss
Mattifying face primer
Small eye shadow palette
Face Powder Brush
Eye-shadow brush
Eye crease Brush
Small Angled Brush
Black eye liner pencil
Black eye liner liquid

Do I get a certificate?

For participating in the workshop, you will be rewarded with a 'Certificate of Participation'.

What if I am not dark skinned? Can I bring a model?

Yes you can!