Nail Polish of the Week Ep. 2 - Crelly!

I have been perusing Instagram lately for #milkyglitter, #funfettinails and #confettinails, only to discover that the actual name for the polish is 'crelly'. Thanks to KBShimmer, I have fallen in-love with their crelly polish 'Oh Splat!' and since re-discovering it, I was (still am) on the hunt for polishes like it. Now you are probably asking, "What the heck is 'crelly'"?
According to, Crelly finish polishes are:

'...a hybrid of a jelly & cream nail polish in one. The jelly finish polish has a transparent to semi transparent finish. The cream finish has a non-transparent/fully opaque finish. The crelly is basically a semi transparent polish that will build up to full opacity, within 2 or 3 coats, depending on how thick you paint each coat. The crelly finish polish allows the glitter to shine through each layer, but will be opaque enough not to show visible nail line when finished with second or third coat.'

Crelly nail polishes can be any color, but the most popular is the milky white base, like the one I am wearing this week from Color Club in 'For You'. In these photos I am wearing 3 thin coats of the polish and it is best applied once you let each layer dry for about 30 seconds before your next coat.

Accompanying my crelly, is Kleancolor's 'Red Alert' polish which was applied with 2 coats. This color is a red with a hint of tangerine.

As always,I used my Jordana ridge filler base coat, and sealed in my polish with Sally Hanson base and topcoat polish for shine and longevity.

Now you know what is crelly nail polishes are and I must have more! Isnt this a cute and festive mani?
Check out my blog every week for new nails and beauty tips and share your beauty with me on IG and Facebook.

Red Alert - Kleancolor & For you - Color Club