Rules of Thumb for Mental Health

Last year I had a lot of losses. Some wonderful people and my pet passed away. I have a back injury that’s prevented me from lifting weights. A so called friend stole $5k from my bedroom after a surgery-under the guise she was visiting me.
I lost friends.
My other pet died this week. I have put on weight.
My mental health is only stable because I am numb.
Rather, I am functional.

ie. Life is no bueno.

Life isn’t bueno for thousands of people. There are people with worst stories than mine. But does that mean my pain isn’t valid? No. It doesn’t. What it means is, I should be courteous to others and let them mourn their losses but I can as well take care of myself.

How am I doing that? I have no idea.

Mental health is like that. It’s not a perfect journey. Getting back on your feet isn’t the same formula that worked last time will necessarily work again.

But these are the rules of thumbs I have learnt:

  1. Be real with yourself. Be real about the people in your life. Be real about your circumstances.
  2. Your pain is valid. Take care of yourself.
  3. What worked last time may not work this time.
  4. Reach out. Alert someone when your mental health is dipping. Let them know what you want from them. For me it’s: don’t panic, just listen, if I’m on a red alert, I will contact you.
  5. Understand that life is cyclical. There is success/happiness, stagnation and failure. You will cycle back to success eventually.

These are my rules of thumb that keep me grounded. You are worthy of the life you have been given and you should absolutely press forward. It sucks right now, (it sucks for me!) but a rainbow is always up ahead.