Shower Time Routine

(...and no there will be no nudes here lol)

I hope you didnt miss me too much, but last time I blogged I gave you the scoop on the konjac sponge which I love and my skin care routine. I know you are probably looking at the caption like "What?". This routine is the same both at morning and at evenings/night but more emphasis will be placed on the latter as more quality time is spent there.

We need to take care of the rest of our body too and I will let you in on what I do along with some tips I have tried that my co-worker Narisa Ramjit introduced me to along the way.
Narisa always has really good skin care tips that she passes on to me especially on our Pennywise trips.

Pennywise is a popular local beauty supply store in Trinidad

Step one

The most obvious thing to do once you step into the shower is to let the water just run on your body. During this time I like to reflect on my day, how horrible I have been, how horrible I wasn't and could could have been, burst into song and so on.
I just do this until every where has water and its time for soap up!

Step two

I detest bar soap!! I only use body washes as they are moisturizing. There is no particular one that I like best, but I tend to stick with Tone, St. Ives and of late I have been using Dove. At this point I saturate my exfoliating bath towel with water, squeeze and average out the amount of soap I need.
The towels are the best thing I ever came across because they seem to cleanse the skin of dead skin and gently exfoliate your skin without being too harsh. Worried about not getting your back? NO PROB FAM! These cloths stretch so you can scrub your back diagonally.
You can get these in the Cala brand at Penny Wise for $15 to $25.00.


Narisa TIP!

Take some baking soda and mix it with your body wash before you scrub. This also gently exfoliates the skin, and leaves feeling extra silky and refreshing! (My tip- also use under the arms with the scrub cloth to get ride of deodorant. YAY FOR CLEAN FRESH ARMS!

Step three


After I cleanse my face I scrub from the neck down with special attention to the under arms, under boob and private areas. After scrubber dubbing, I rinse out my bath cloth and proceed to so the same, also paying special attention to the areas mentioned.
At this time I like to relax and enjoy the water, sing a song (or stay quite) and think about how I can take over the world.
Make sure not to over do it because we want to conserve the water! Bath time is usually 15 to 20 minutes (but may vary from person to person).
Pat dry and proceed to your dressing habitat!

Step Four

Most people tend to skip this step your skin will thank you in your older years.
"CREAM YOUR SKIN!!" This phrase is reminiscent of mothers yelling this to children every where!
Yes darlings, bathing as great and good but it is strips the skin of its natural oils.
To moisturize my skin I use the Coconut version of the Daggett & Rasdell Body lotion
Narisa TIP!

Get some good olive oil and pour a little into your body and hand creams for a extra moisture and it will help stretch the lotion as well.

All that is left to do is dress yourself and look your best... or worst depending.

What is your shower time routine like? Leave your comments in the comment section below!