A beauty company FILTERED ME!

A week or so ago I posted my Wild Thoughts Inspired Makeup Look on my social media accounts and it did attract a decent amount of views.

So much so that cosmetic company Styli-Style shared my makeup look because I used one of their palettes to achieve the look.

My original post

Their post of me


After I composed my self I sent them this very short and sweet DM about it (Tuesday 4th July ). To date they havent seen my message or apologized for this. They apparently took down the post later that night.

Dont take it on girl!


It was unethical and unprofessional. Full Stop!
I honestly aint never seen a beauty company do that before!
This beauty industry is sickeningly hooked on perfection. It's gotten to the point that people have asked me to give them foundations and primers to LOOK LIKE THIS!! It is complete madness!!!

Styli-Style Cosmetics took my unfiltered photo and decided it would be appropriate to smoothen my skin (quite horribly) to make it more appealing to share with their followers!

I honestly have no problem with skin smoothening apps as they can make a photo look damn good once DONE RIGHT. Just dont look like a gawwd damn silisponge when you're done.
All of us have imperfections, we dont have perfect skin and most aren't confident about it. I chose not to filter my photo because.... nothing was wrong with my skin (except that one lil button on my chin LOL!).
They should have just left a kind comment or 'heart' my original photo if they liked it so much.
To go that far was just disrespectful.

The company actually apologized and offered to send me a package full off goodies. I declined and told them their apology was enough for me.

What are your thoughts on this issue?
Comment below and share with your friends!!