Plus Fifty & Flawless!

The Mature Women's Seminar

At times doing makeup on mature skin can be very intimidating for makeup artist and mature women themselves, and for this reason I decided to conduct this seminar.

In this seminar, with the help of my lovely model and attendee Linda, I showed the ladies, tips and tricks to effectively make these women look younger without too much makeup.
(There are too many tragedies out there!)

On my model Linda I demonstrated how to effectively apply eye-shadow, foundation, lipstick, blush and set highlight. The older you become, eyebrows begin to thin and lashes are not as full as they used to be so filling the brows and adding falsies make a great difference to an overall look!

I choose to use neutral tones on on her eyes using the Sleek Oh so Special palette.

For more tips on priming, foundation and over all do's and dont's, check out my previous post, Steps to Radiant Mature Skin and Mature Skin Makeup Dont's.
Remember, less is more!

Isn't she gorgeous?

I really would like to thank all the ladies who attended for coming out, as this was the first time I have ever done something like this! Normally talking while I'm going makeup is a bit of a challenge for me but, I'm getting better at it!
For many of these ladies, it was an awesome learning experience and Im glad to have taught them something new.
Special thanks to my sister Shenelle (Vision Photography), my model Linda for being such a great sport, Wendy Hamilton for sponsoring our door prize (won by Kimberly!) and to my loving husband for being my support system.

SMILE!Now go on out there and gracefully beat face!

Until next time!
Shaina :)