The 2019 version I have been badgered about

I have finally decided to sit and tell you all about how I take care of these 40 locs on my crown. It is not exactly elaborate and rather quite simple, so let me start the regime story time.
Regime is listed in order of application.
Wash Day
Wash day is more like one hour at most. I dont particularly have a favorite shampoo, but I love reaching for the Afro Love Shampoo that contains mint and rosemary. I give my hair 2 washes, then appy conditioner.
I deep condition when I remember or have the time. Yikes.
Good lord.
My hair is typed as 4C, which means it is more course, kinky and needs more moisture with tender loving care. I normally moisturize on damp hair, apply a leave-in conditioner, then oil.
This is what I use:
STEP 1. Water
STEP 2. Section locs into 4 parts, and carefully work either one of these products down the sections:
Happy Curls, Happy Girls Leave-in lotion - Smells like you died and went to Vanilla Bean heaven! The consistancy is soo light, smooth and it is undeniably moisturizing. My hair loves this stuff so much plus it has NO GLYCERIN!! Yass SIS!
Curl Confidence Leave-in - Got to love the moisture you get from this! It is soo good! Smells fruitie-ish, very light weight, which is good for locs and coats the hair without buildup.
Both products are made in Trinidad and Tobago by beautiful Caribbean women!
Oils... (or lack thereof)
I have an issue with oils.
My head sweats, and when mixed with oils, it seems to create an atomic aroma of disaster. For this reason, I use castor oil, which has little not no scent.
In my hair, coconut oil is not my friend and do not convince me otherwise.
If I do feel like, I palm roll once every month. Most of the time I wear my hair down or swoop part to the side.
Some have asked me how I take care of my edges and this is how I do it:
I just leave my hair alone! No over twisting, pulling or styling.
When I go to sleep my hair goes in a pony or pineapple, covered by a satin like elastic cloth.
My struggles
For a long time I thought I had dry scalp. It was itchy, flakey and even scabby. My husband suggested I try medicated dandruff shampoo, and thanks to his suggestion, most of my scalp issues have dwindled. I dont have to worry too much about embarrasing white flakes or the ridiculous scratching.
Because my hair gets sweaty really quickly, I have to wash my hair every 7 to 10 days. Thankfully I use the crotchet method to neaten and loc my hair or else maintenance would be a pain in the ass.
Some of you do not know but I have 4 to 6 inches of loc extension in my locs. Most of the longer ones are to the back since my hair there is much shorter and a bit weaker than the front. My only issue with the extension is that it does not match my hair texture (which I will be addressing soon). I want to combine a few locs as well, so bye bye 40 and hello (maybe) 34....30?
Honestly there are days where I want to cut it all off and start over or just cut it off but the way my head is set up...(insert roll eye).
Well, that is the end of that and I hope it was everything you thought it would (?).
Have locs? How do you take care of yours? I encourage you to comment your regime below or inbox me at shaina.cb@gmail.com. I love hearing from you!
Header photo:By Humphrey Muleba on Unsplash
Till next post,
XOXO Shaina
Header photo:By Humphrey Muleba on Unsplash