During this Covid-19 lockdown, I had a lot of time to do a few things. Instead of just wandering around the apartment worrying, I had to keep moving. Not saying that there weren't times when I just wanted to fall face flat on the bed and do absolute nothingness, because mannn did I do that a lot LOL!
One of the things I wanted to accomplish, was a podcast.
I knew what the show was going to be about and I knew who I wanted on my show before I even started putting pen to paper; then I started putting pen to paper and planning. In this down time I started researching about podcast and even did a Future Learn online course about Podcasting!
Why a podcast?
I had been (still) listening to The Market Place podcast with Kai and Molly, which is about marketing and finance thanks to 'back seat listening" on what my husband was listening to. You can say, him listening to podcasts made me want to start one. The idea of being mobile and listening to something educational and not be glued to a screen made my brain tingle. Without being able to make visual judgements, I can actually let my imagination take a trip and internalize what people are saying.
My hope with this podcast series is that you listen to the guest and actually hear their stories, which I hope will impact you in some way.
The word 'shenanigan' according to Merriam - Webster means, high-spirited or mischievous activity —usually used in plural.
When Im off in a proverbial corner working on ideas or just doing weird stuff, my husband started say,"What shainanigans you up to?"
Get it? Shaina? Shainan...? Well you guessed it right! HAA HAA!!
Basically I took a word that had somewhat weary conotations and made it a catchy show name and since we want to know what our guest are and have been up to, the title fits.

What is the show about?
The Shainanigan Show is a podcast with focus on the creative, entrepreneurial and innovative Caribbean woman. These are ordinary women who found their own niches and thrived to become a success in their respective initiatives.
On the show, we will be chatting about the challenges they have faced while in the start up phase, of course the good experiences, what they have learnt along the way and advice to women seeking to start a business, or already an owner.
Tune in!
Season one will be available on JUNE 1ST, 2020! I have created a Facebook Event so you dont forget! Click 'GOING' so you can get teasers and updates on our guest!
Episodes will be linked on shainabrown.com and available for download via Soundcloud!
This podcast was a lot of hard work, but considering this is my first time, I think I did a whole lot better than I thought! It's not quite studio sound production yet but we will get there.
Listen while you work, werk, twerk or cock up your feet with a glass of wine!
Without further adu, the intro to The Shainanigan Show with your host, Shaina Brown: