I have a friend named Solange.
Solange used to have a big cosmetic-type bag with everything anyone can possibly need. Knowing her, she still has it.
She was prepared for anything.
You had a cut? Go by Solange.
You had a cold? Go by Solange.
You need soap to bathe? Go by Solange.
She had what I call and 'everything bag'.
Today I am sharing with you the contents of my everything bag, in the hopes that you too would get yourself a bag with lady necessities.
You must be prepared for ANYTHING!
The Bag
I bought this bag at work and it retailed for $65.00. Before you ask, they dont have anymore.
This bag is pretty small, since my hand bag is small, but this fits a lot! Its funky, fashionable, and who doesnt like holo-chrome?
From left to right, the items pictured are listed as follows:
1. Tissue Wipes
These come in handy when you have to urinate and there is no tissue. Also convenient for cleaning up small messes. I happen to have the Cottonelle Fresh Care tissue wipes. I beleive they are supposed to be damp, but your girl has had them so long... well...
2. Deodorant
Pictured is Kopari coconut oil natural deodorant.
I actually got this product from Influenster but didnt get it in time to review. Its small, easy to fit in tight spaces and I love that it has a screw off cover, unlike most pop off-tops that deodorants have. This is great since my bag gets bounced around a lot.
Just in the event that you forget to apply deodorant, it's pretty handy.
3. Compact Mirror
My unicorn mirror retailed for $15 and its cute. End of discussion.
4. Hand Cream
Hand cream/ lotion gets changed frequently in my bag, so I dont stick to one particular brand. I am currently using the Nivea Shea Daily Moisture cream and I dont like this one because it is too watery.
I added cocoa butter oil to it and that shall do for now.
My hands get pretty dry, so this is a necessity.
5. Transluscent Face Powder
Ride or die from Ruby Kisses Cosmetics.
On my makeup days this product comes in handy to blot oils and bring my face back to matteness.
Honorable mention - the angled powder brush also pictured.
6. Random Lip product
This changes weekly. One week its a gloss, then its a stick.
Touch ups are needed.
7. Hand wash / Bath wash
Maybe you are out, you need to wash your hands and there is no soap.
Or maybe you need to shower ASAP! Just kidding! But you never know!
8. Cuticle Oil
My nails suffer a lot due to my hands always working. Cuticle oil keeps my nails looking glossy when hand cream fails.
The brand I carry is from Nail Social Nail Brand.
Very tiny convenient drip nozzle bottle.
9. Body Spray
Just a freshening up option and I would suggest going for something smaller. For the record, I wouldnt be repurchasing this item.
10. Hand Sanitizer
This one is self explanitary. It doesnt matter the brand, as long as it is 60% plus alcohol, Im good.
11. Wipes
Baby wipes come in handy for multiple purposes. They are a staple in the everything bag.
12. A Pen
Cuz I may end up in a situation where a pen is needed and Im lucky to have one. :)
13. Mints/Gum
We all have moments where our breath is not at its peek. Mints and gum stride in to save the next conversation from awkwardness.
Also a keeper after a meal when a toothbrush is unavailable.
14. Keep it 100, Period!
On top of all these products, comes the most important of them all.
All period having women should have sanitary napkins in her possession at all times!
At least according to me.
I only use the Kotex brand, as I find them comfortable, inexpensive and they carry extra large panty shields!!!
Yesssss sis!!!!!
Plus they do not have any perfume scents on their products... or any scent for that matter.
As for the Caramia cosmetic bag, I got this as a token at the Glam and Glitter event last year.
I also carry pain tablets in that bag, because to be quite frank, if I'm caught red without them on the first day, I cannot function AT ALL!
And that's my list ladies!
The only thing I would add to this list, issa snack.
( Insert temptation to wine. LOL )
Listen, we get hungry and a small pack of emergency nuts or biscuit would do the trick.
If I could, I would fit a small bottle water too, but that may have to fit in the main hang bag.
Safety pins can also be found in my bag, however at the time of picture taking they could not be found.
What do you carry in your 'everything bag'?
In the comments, list them!
Am I missing anything? Comment that too!
I love interactng wth you all!
Until next Tuesday,
XOXO, Shaina