Shaina Brown

Recent articles by Short Pants

Is Mocha Mami REALLY for dark skin tones?

Is Mocha Mami REALLY for dark skin tones?

Ok Fenty Beauty, we see you... It's been a hott minute since I have written a beauty article, but never fear! Shaina is here! What's the new beauty craze? You guessed it! Bronzer. Since Fenty Beauty released their line of bronzers [

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Salybia > Maracas

Salybia > Maracas

Here is a bold claim: "Salybia Beach is better than Maracas Beach". In fact; > Salybia Beach is "more better than" Maracas Beach. If Maracas Beach and Salybia Beach were both comic book superheroes, Salybia would be the Black Panther and Maracas,...

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