Shaina Brown

Recent articles in Life

What Wendy Fitzwilliam Forgot

What Wendy Fitzwilliam Forgot

As a nine year year old in 1998, seeing a woman like Wendy Fitzwilliam on a Miss Universe stage was nothing less than breathtaking. I was dark-skinned girl with 'picky' hair and just looking at her was enough to make me embrace everything black about...

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I finally did THE BIG 'W'!

I finally did THE BIG 'W'!

Gosh guys, this is so huge for me, and I know it may seem a bit weird or even a bit silly but I have to share it with you! When you are busy adulting, it is easy to forget the simple things in life that make you smile or make life worth living. For m...

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I shouldn't feel for suicide victims...

I shouldn't feel for suicide victims...

In the light of the celebrity suicide deaths of Kate Spade and (especially) Anthony Bourdain, many individuals, activist groups and NGOs are calling for persons to seek out hotlines and encourage them to talk to someone. You know, the usual. However,...

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