Shaina Brown

Recent articles by Jeanne Marie Thompson

Changed behaviour

Changed behaviour

If you and your family members don’t communicate because of busy schedules, petty grievances take time during this pandemic to bond and clear the air. However, do not let toxic individuals gaslight you into developing relationships with them....

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Say 'NO' to Performative Wokeness

Say 'NO' to Performative Wokeness

It always baffles me how the entertainment’s idea of eradicating discrimination in the industry is by placing a minority face to a beloved character in their movies and television shows....

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The Kirk Franklin Family Drama

The Kirk Franklin Family Drama

I honestly don't want any of that. I want him to be held accountable. If he acknowledges his actions as wrong let him be given the grace and the space to move on and atone for his actions. He has issued an apology but his son and others have questioned the sincerity of it....

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Why is divorce taboo?

Why is divorce taboo?

Not even sociologists can really define marriage in absolute terms. Each society will have their various norms and values associated with marriage. Edward Westermarck defined marriage as “the more or less durable connection between male and female la...

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